Do Your Vitamin Supplements Help?

Vitamin supplements, actually dietary supplements in general, are an important part of getting the nutrition our bodies need. Why?

Given our diets and lack of access to healthy foods, and given the dwindling nutritional quality of food generally available today, our bodies need vitamin, mineral and other dietary supplements to fill in this nutritional gap.


There are at least 13 vitamins and 15 minerals that are considered essential for good health. Vitamins are organic compounds, which means they contain carbon, and are found naturally only in living things. Minerals are simpler, inorganic compounds and are found in all foods. Four of these vitamins – A, D, E, and K are fat soluble – meaning they can be stored in the body. Vitamins C and the eight forms of vitamin B are water soluble, meaning that excess amounts are eliminated through urination. Minerals are also classified in two categories - major minerals (macronutrients), such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, that are found in relatively high concentrations in foods, and trace minerals (micronutrients), such as copper, iron, zinc, and chromium, that are usually only found in minute amounts. All of these vitamins and minerals play an important role in your body's ability to build cells, releasing energy from our food, and in maintaining the good health of our organs, bones and immune system. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements can help us target deficiencies in our diet, to fill in the gaps.

Is your supplement right for you?

You can find help in determining if your mineral and vitamin supplements are meeting your daily vitamin requirement and are nutritionally available to your body. Based on this information, if you are happy with your mineral and vitamin supplements, that is great. However, if you are not, I have found a good mineral and vitamin supplement that is absorbed well by the body and also provides Phytonutrients. Even if you are happy with your mineral and vitamin supplements, you should make sure you are getting the phytonutrients that your body needs to maintain good health.

Are you concerned about getting sufficient Phytonutrients, in addition to vitamins and minerals? A very natural method of increasing our intake of Phytonutrients is to start juicing regularly. Despite juicing a couple of times a day and eating a balanced meal containing vegetables, I still find it difficult to consume the recommended dosage of fruits and vegetables. This becomes even more difficult when I travel, and do not have access to fresh juice on a regular basis. If you feel you are getting the amount of phytonutrients, that is great. However, if you have the same concern as I have, I have found an amazing source of Phytonutrients from 24 fruits and vegetables, packaged in a convenient "health-on-the-go" approach.

Taking good mineral and vitamin supplements The Natural Path to good health.

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