RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication (now that's a mouthful…sounds like that old tongue twister, she sells sea shells by the....). From your perspective, think of RSS as an easy way to keep track of the latest updates from your favorite website or news site. No more subscribing to e-mail lists or sharing your personal e-mail address.
Once you get RSS setup, it's like having your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time. You are notified about new content and you can go look at it with a simple click of the mouse. You can use RSS to get newsfeeds from CNN or BBC, news on upcoming movies, DVD releases …… or updates at has three feeds, each with an area of specific interest. These are:
The beauty of this is that you are in control. You are notified about new pages and ones that are changed. You decide when to click over to them. When you are tired of a site and no longer want updates, you merely delete the feed from your reader.
You can use RSS reader software or MyYahoo!, MyMSN or Google Homepage to use these RSS feeds on
To use MyYahoo! – You must have a personalized MyYahoo! homepage already setup. If you do not, you can set one up by selecting MyYahoo! at and following the instructions for creating an account or signing in. After setting up your personal homepage, click on the appropriate button below, depending on your area of interest. You may subscribe to more than one feed.
If you were not already logged in, you will be asked to log in to your MyYahoo! account. After logging in, you may be asked to confirm that you want to add the feed you selected. After confirmation, the feed will show up on your homepage. New items will show up on top with information on how long ago the item was created or updated.
To use MyMSN – You must have a personalized MyMSN homepage already setup. If you do not, you can set one up by selecting MyMSN at and following the instructions for creating an account or signing in. After setting up your personal homepage, click on the appropriate button below, depending on your area of interest. You may subscribe to more than one feed.
If you were not already logged into your personal homepage, you will be asked to log in to your MyMSN account. After logging in, you may be asked to confirm that you want to add the feed you selected. After confirmation, the feed will show up on your homepage. New items will show up on top with information on how long ago it was updated.
To use Google Homepage - You must have a personalized Google Homepage already setup. If you do not, you can set one up by going to Google Homepage and following the instructions for creating an account or signing in.
Right click (control click for MAC users) on the appropriate RSS button, depending on which feed you want to add. Select "Copy Shortcut" from the drop down menu ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for MAC users). Now go to your Google Homepage and select the Add Content link in the top left corner. Click on Create a Section and paste the URL you copied into the search box and select the Go button. The feed will show up on your homepage. New items will show up on top of the newly added section.
To use an RSS reader – If you do not use any of these personal homepages, you will need an RSS reader. This is special software that reads the "RSS feeds" to keep you updated. If you do not have an RSS reader, you can download one of the ones below, depending on whether you are using a Windows PC or a MAC, and follow directions for installation.
MAC - NetNewsWire
Right click (control click for MAC users) on the appropriate RSS button below, depending on which feed you want to add. Select "Copy Shortcut" from the drop down menu ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for MAC users). Paste the URL into your RSS reader.
If you are interested in more details on RSS, you can find more information about RSS on Making an RSS Feed.
Staying updated using RSS feeds is
The Natural Path to good health.