Learn about a lesser-known benefit of exercise – exercise helps you detoxify your body. Walking, running, trampoline exercise, swimming and other types of exercises are described in terms of detoxification.
Exercise detoxification is an effective method of cleansing many vital organs simultaneously and should become a regular part of your life. When was the last time you got some exercise?
In past generations, people had physically demanding jobs. Even the less demanding desk jobs required walking to do filing and going to meetings. With the progress of computers and telecommunications, many people can do their jobs today by sitting at their desk and using technology to do their filing and participate in meetings. Without benefit of exercise, this has made most of us much more sedentary.
One of the biggest benefits of exercise is the reduction of excess body fat. While many people want to reduce their body fat to look better, there are serious health risks to carrying around too much excess fat. Fatty tissues actually clog the arteries, increase blood pressure and put additional strain on the heart. Fat is also the preferred place that your body stores toxins. Most tumors start in fatty areas. Reducing these fat deposits through exercise detoxification inherently reduces toxin levels in your body and reduces the chance of getting tumors. A major benefit of exercise is in reducing fats stored in your body.
Another one of the key benefits of exercise is increased blood and lymph circulation. Your blood and lymphatic fluids distribute essential nutrients to your cells and remove metabolic waste and other toxic substances from your cells. Your cells can starve and choke on this metabolic waste without good circulation. Increased circulation is another exercise benefit and thus improves the health of your cells.
Finally, exercise helps control your blood sugar. Excess blood sugar or spikes in your blood sugar can be linked to a variety of maladies, including high cholesterol, Type II diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Exercise will help to control your blood sugar. The next time you crave a dessert or sweet, take a 10 minute walk first. If you still want the sweet at the end of the walk, well, you have at least worked off some calories to compensate. Chances are that exercise's role in regulating your blood sugar will satisfy your craving.
Any type of aerobic exercise that gets your whole body moving and gets your body fluids circulating at an increased rate will benefit you. The basic message is that it is better to do some form of exercise that you enjoy, rather than no exercise because we come up with excuses not to do it. To get the maximum benefit of exercise, you should exercise for 20 – 30 minutes per day, three times per week. Cardiovascular exercises help by increasing your body temperature over a sustained period, thus making you sweat out toxins. Also, they help your heart stay healthy. Core muscle exercises help massage and stimulate your internal organs. Most forms of exercise increase your breathing, thus providing a form of oxygen therapy.
That having been said, each type of exercise has its own benefits and concerns. Choosing the best exercise for you is a matter of personal preference. However, looking at the various benefits of exercise may help you choose which exercise fits you the best.
Jogging became a popular form of exercise in the 1970s. Jogging helps exercise the cardiovascular system and the legs, increases your body temperature and breathing. While jogging is an excellent exercise with plenty of benefits, jogging can be hard on the knees. If you jog regularly, try and jog on unpaved surfaces. If that is not an option, try and jog on asphalt, instead of concrete.
I used to run 4 miles per day, every day for a few years. My knees would remind me to run on softer surfaces, by hurting after the run. Running on soft surfaces will help reduce the jarring damage to your knees from the repetitive pounding motion. Taking such precautions helps you maximize the benefit of exercise.
Swimming is one of the best exercises, as it provides a good cardiovascular and muscular workout, but does not create the pounding effect on your joints, as does jogging. Swimming increases your breathing and your body temperature, thus aiding in your internal cleansing.
As with many exercises, swimming has its own health drawbacks. Swimming pools are generally heavily chlorinated. Your body absorbs some amounts of chlorine when swimming in chlorinated pools and this increases the toxic load on your body. Shared pools can also contain viruses, bacteria and toxins that others have expelled from their body. These microorganisms can remain in the water and infect people that swim in the water at a later time. Try and swim in a pool that uses ozone to cleanse the water. Take a shower after swimming to wash off whatever foreign substances you can. This will help you maximize the benefit of swimming.
Bicycling has started gaining popularity with the recent success and publicity of Lance Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is a great symbol to the effect that exercise can have in cleansing your body – having fought back from advanced cancer and made a full recovery. Cycling also provides a good cardiovascular and muscular workout without the pounding associated with jogging. Increased body temperature, increased breathing and a good core muscle workout are among the benefits of cycling.
After jogging, I switched to cycling and worked up to cycling 100 - 150 miles per week. While many people think of cycling as only working out the legs, a good cycling workout will actually strengthen core muscles in your mid-section. Strengthening these muscles helps to keep the colon and other vital organs fit. However, if you cycle, make sure to avoid areas with heavy traffic. If the automobiles do not get you, their exhaust fumes might. I found that the major drawback to cycling was its efficiency - it took a lot of time to get the same benefit of exercise that you can achieve with jogging or swimming. Of course, if you enjoy cycling and have the time, this is a great way to enjoy the outdoors.
Walking has also been gaining popularity recently. The ideal thing about walking is that you can do it almost anywhere. It is by far the most convenient and economical exercise. Although walking may be considered a mild form of exercise, it provides enough physical activity to help detoxify your body and provide other benefits of exercise. I find that my body temperature rises, I start to sweat, and my breathing rate increases after a brisk walk, especially in hilly areas. In cold climates, mall walking has become a popular form of exercise. Malls are safe, weatherproof and give people interesting things to look at.
These days I have transitioned my cardiovascular exercise activity to walking. I walk about 30 - 45 minutes per day. If you walk, try and keep a brisk pace. Walking in hilly areas helps increase the benefits of this exercise.
Rebound exercise or trampoline exercise is one of the stars of the exercise world. Trampoline exercise is almost as convenient as walking, except that you need a trampoline. A major advantage over walking, however, is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home or office. In most forms of exercise, some muscles are exercised more than others. With trampoline exercise, your entire body is subjected to the effects of gravity. As your body bounces, the force on each of your muscles changes.
This force varies from zero Gs at the top of he bounce, to four Gs at the bottom. Four Gs means that a person weighing 120 pounds would get the gravitational effect of weighing nearly 500 pounds for a moment. When your body experiences this additional gravitational force, it adapts by building stronger tissue and cells. In theory, if your body were subjected to four Gs constantly, all of your body would quadruple in strength. Imagine if your heart and internal organs were four times stronger? Of course, since the increased force is momentary and you achieve this only when exercising, the results are not quite so dramatic. However, trampoline exercise provides a relatively low impact way of increasing the strength of all of your body’s cells and tissues simultaneously.
In addition to cardiovascular exercise, exercise of the muscles in your stomach and mid-section, sometimes called your core, is a helps your key elimination organs (colon, kidneys, and liver) maintain good health. In addition to the colon cleanse routine, adding a variety of stomach crunches and twists helps to massage your colon and other elimination organs, and also helps strengthen the muscles around these vital organs.
There are a variety of ways to do stomach crunches and there are various types of abdominal exercisers to help do crunches. Since stomach crunches are so popular, I will not focus on the mechanics of doing a stomach crunch. Suffice it to say that stomach crunches help massage the colon and help strengthen the muscles that help the colon move waste. Therefore, doing stomach crunches will help you cleanse your colon.
A chiropractor gave me a twisting exercise that I find very helpful in stretching my core muscles, improving circulation to the joints in my spine, and also helping to massage my elimination organs (colon, kidney and liver). I find that doing stomach crunches and this twisting exercise in the morning helps bring on a strong bowel movement. Remember, that you still need to consume sufficient fiber and drink enough water to help with your cleansing. While not intended as a substitute for sufficient fiber and water, the benefit of this exercise is that it can help move things along.
What You Will Need
You will need a pole that is approximately 5 ft long. You can use a long broom handle or adjustable length shower rod. I found a shower rod to be best because I can adjust it to the right length to be comfortable, but still fit in the small area where I do my exercises.
You will also need a quiet area where you can stand with at least 4 ft of space around you in all directions. At least initially, it helps to be in front of a mirror so you can see your posture during the exercise.
- Stand up with your feet spaced approximately 2 – 2.5 ft apart.
- Position the pole on the back of your shoulders and place your hands or wrists over each side of the pole with your arms extended.
- Bend your knees slightly and make sure your body is upright (straight up and down). This is where having a mirror in front of you helps to get the right posture.
- Rotate your torso, through the waist, to one side then to the opposite side.
- Your head should be facing forward the whole time. Focusing on your posture in a mirror helps to keep your head in the right position.
- Your feet should be firmly planted. As you rotate right, your right knee may rotate out slightly.
- Make sure your body stays upright through the entire range of the twist, as tilting your body could hurt you.
- If you feel pain anywhere, then STOP immediately. This exercise is for stretching and should not cause any pain.
Start slowly, gradually increasing speed. Your speed should end up being about one complete rotation (right and left) per second.
You may hear the popping sound of joints in your neck, hips or spine releasing. This is normal, as long as you do not feel any pain. Remember, if you feel pain – STOP immediately.
As you get comfortable with the twisting motion, you will feel your shoulders and sides loosen up. Once you feel comfortable (approximately 10 – 15 complete rotations), slowly lower the pole down your back, while keeping your hands or wrists over each side of the pole. Lower it slowly, doing about 10-15 twists every time you move it down a couple of inches. As you continue to lower the pole, it helps to rotate your palms upward and use your thumb to hold the pole in place. This will allow you to move the pole lower down on your back as you twist. You will find that at some point, the pole will not go any lower. This point will vary, depending on how flexible you are. I find I can lower the pole to slightly below my shoulder blade.
Now, keep rotating as you work the pole back up your back – again 10-15 twists every time you move the pole 2 inches. When the pole is back to the top of your shoulders, then your exercise is done. All the muscles in your core should be loosened up.
This exercise is particularly helpful because as the pole moves down your back, the focus of the twist moves with it. This helps to twist different parts of your torso as the pole moves.
A regular program of exercise is
The Natural Path to good health.
Top of Detoxification Benefit of Exercise